Designing Services

Website Development

Customized Website Designing with Dynamic Website Features and Free Maintenance
Website Development Packages – No Advance Payment – Free Maintenance


For Startups

RM 1,000 Per Year
  • Domain .COM
  • 10 GB Hosting
  • 10 Pages Design
  • 2 Email IDs x 5 GB
  • Free Maintenance
  • Mobile Responsive
  • 1 Enquiry Form
  • HTTPS SSL Security
  • WhatsApp Live Chat
  • 1 Click Call Dialer
  • Ecommerce Engine
  • Payment Gateway
Best Deal


For Enterprises

RM 2,000 Per Year
  • Domain .COM
  • 10 GB Hosting
  • 20 Pages Design + Blogs
  • 3 Email IDs x 5 GB
  • Free Maintenance
  • Mobile Responsive
  • 2 Enquiry Forms
  • HTTPS SSL Security
  • WhatsApp Live Chat
  • 1 Click Call Dialer
  • Ecommerce Engine
  • Payment Gateway


For Ecommerce Business

RM 3,000 Per Year
  • Domain .COM
  • 10 GB Hosting
  • 50 Pages Design
  • 5 Email IDs x 5 GB
  • Free Maintenance
  • Mobile Responsive
  • 3 Enquiry Forms
  • HTTPS SSL Security
  • WhatsApp Live Chat
  • 1 Click Call Dialer
  • Ecommerce Engine
  • Payment Gateway

About Website Development

The creation and upkeep of websites and web applications fall under the broad category of web development. Various technologies, programming languages, and tools are used. The building blocks of web development are HTML. It is used to organize a web page’s content and define various components, including headings, paragraphs, links, images, and forms.Web pages can have dynamic behavior and interactivity thanks to the computer language JavaScript. It is used to create responsive web applications and perform activities like form validation and animations. On the client side of web development, front-end developers work. We use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to build dynamic, responsive web sites with a focus on user interface and user experience. It is crucial to design websites that can adjust to various screen sizes and orientations due to the growing use of mobile devices. For responsive design, CSS frameworks like Bootstrap and Flexbox are frequently utilized. As a diverse subject with various specializations, web development allows aspiring developers to choose to concentrate on areas like front-end development or back-end development, or even narrow their attention to a certain programming language or framework. 

Planning: This is the initial phase where you define the purpose of the website, target audience, and the features and content it will include. Planning also involves creating a sitemap and wireframes to visualize the website’s structure.

Design: In this phase, the website’s visual appearance is created. This includes designing the layout, selecting color schemes, choosing fonts, and creating graphics and images. User experience (UX) design is also crucial to ensure the site is easy to navigate.

Development: This is where the actual coding and programming take place. The choice of technology stack (e.g., HTML, CSS, JavaScript, backend languages like Python, Ruby, or PHP, and databases like MySQL or MongoDB) depends on the project’s requirements. Web developers write code to bring the design and functionality to life.

Content Creation: High-quality content, including text, images, videos, and other media, is crucial for a website’s success. Content should be relevant, engaging, and optimized for search engines (SEO).

Testing: Before launching a website, it must go through rigorous testing to ensure it works as expected. This includes functional testing to check for broken links and errors, compatibility testing to ensure it works across different browsers and devices, and performance testing to optimize loading times.

Deployment: Once testing is complete, the website is ready to go live. It’s uploaded to a web server, and domain and hosting configurations are finalized.

Maintenance and Updates: Websites require ongoing maintenance to ensure they remain secure, up-to-date, and free of issues. This includes regular updates to content and software, as well as monitoring for security vulnerabilities.

Marketing and SEO: After launch, you’ll need to promote your website to attract visitors. This involves various digital marketing techniques, such as social media marketing, email marketing, and search engine optimization (SEO), to improve its visibility in search engine results.

Analytics: Implementing web analytics tools (e.g., Google Analytics) helps you track the performance of your website, gather data on user behavior, and make informed decisions for improvements.

E-commerce Integration (if applicable): If your website involves selling products or services, you’ll need to integrate an e-commerce platform, set up payment processing, and ensure security for online transactions.

Mobile Responsiveness: With the increasing use of mobile devices, it’s essential to ensure your website is responsive and functions well on smartphones and tablets.

Accessibility: Ensuring your website is accessible to people with disabilities is not only important for inclusivity but also for legal compliance in many regions.

Website development is a dynamic field, and staying updated with the latest technologies and design trends is essential to create effective and user-friendly websites. 

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